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通 过 社 交 活 动 学 习 的 技 巧的英文

"通 过 社 交 活 动 学 习 的 技 巧"怎么读


  • type iv: learning through social activities
  • "通"英文翻译    open up or clear out by poki ...
  • "过"英文翻译    cross; pass
  • "社"英文翻译    organized body; agency; soci ...
  • "交"英文翻译    hand over; give up; deliver
  • "活"英文翻译    live
  • "动"英文翻译    harness cause disorder stir ...
  • "学"英文翻译    study; learn
  • "习"英文翻译    practise; exercise; review
  • "的"英文翻译    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • "技"英文翻译    skill; ability; trick; techn ...
  • "巧"英文翻译    skilful; ingenious; clever
  • "网 上 学 习" 英文翻译 :    web-based learning
  • "过, 高, 超, 经, 通" 英文翻译 :    per-
  • "学……的样,听……的" 英文翻译 :    take one's cuefrom
  • "巧" 英文翻译 :    形容词1.(灵巧; 技术高明) skilful; ingenious; clever 能工巧匠 skilful craftsman; dab hand; 手巧 clever with one's hands; dexterous; 嘴巧 smooth-spoken; talk glibly2.(恰好; 正遇某种机会) opportune; coincidental; as it happens; fortuitous; as luck would have it 来得真巧 arrive at a most opportune moment; 他偏巧那天不在。 as luck would have it, he was away that day. 无巧不成书。 there is no story without coincidences.3.(虚浮不实的) cunning; deceitful; artful 花言巧语 honeyed words; deceitful talk
  • "动力(学)的,运动的" 英文翻译 :    kinetic
  • "习" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(温习; 练习) practise; exercise; review 复习 review (one's lessons); 自习 study by oneself; 学而时习之 learn and constantly review what one has learned2.(对某事物常常接触而熟悉) get accustomed to; be used to; become familiar with 不习水性 be not good at swimming; 习水性 a good swimmer; 习闻 often hearⅡ名词1.(习惯) habit; custom; usual practice 恶习 bad [pernicious] habit; 积习 old habit; longstanding practice; 陋习 bad custom2.(姓氏) a surname 习凿齿 xi zuochi
  • "技" 英文翻译 :    名词(技能; 本领) skill; ability; trick; technique 绝技 unique skill; 黔驴之技 tricks not to be feared; cheap tricks; 使敌人无所施其技 make it impossible for the enemy to play any tricks; 献技 show one's skill; 一技之长 what one is skilled in; skill
  • "我 的 昂 贵 学 业" 英文翻译 :    mes cheres etudes
  • "社" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(共同工作或生活的一种集体组织) organized body; agency; society 报社 newspaper office; 出版社 publishing house; press; 广告社 advertising agency; 合作社 cooperative; 诗社 a poets' club2.(人民公社) people's commune 社办企业 commune-run enterprise; 爱社胜家 hold the people's commune dearer than one's family3.(古代把土神和祭土神的地方、日子和祭礼都叫社) the god of the land, sacrifices to him or altars for such sacrifices 春社 spring sacrifice
  • "活" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(生存; 有生命) live 吃为了活, 不要活为了吃。 eat to live, but do not live to eat. 他们将永远活在我们心中。 they will live forever in our hearts. 她愉快地活到九十二岁。 she lived pleasantly to the age of ninety-two.2.[书面语](救活) save (the life of a person):活人无算 (of a good doctor, etc. ) save countless livesⅡ形容词1.(在活的状态下) alive; living 活老虎 a live tiger; 活捉 capture alive; 活字典 a walking dictionary; 在他活着的时候 during his lifetime2.(生动活泼;灵活) vivid; lively; active 描绘得很活be depicted quite vividly; 脑子很活 have a quick mind; 思想工作做得很活 do ideological work in a lively way3.(活动) movable; moving 活水 flowing waterⅢ副词(真正; 简直) exactly; simply 活像 look exactly like; be the spit and image ofⅣ名词1.(工作, 一般指体力劳动) work 干活儿 work; 苦活 sweated labour; 零活 odd jobs; 针线活儿 needlework; 重活儿 heavy work2.(产品; 制成品) product 这批活儿做得好。 this batch of products is well made
  • "专 注 力 缺 乏 及 过 度 活 跃 症" 英文翻译 :    adhd
  • "交" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(把事物转移给有关方面) hand over; give up; deliver 交党费 pay party membership dues; 交公粮 deliver tax grain to the state; 交还 give back ; return; 交活 turn over a finished item [product]; 交枪不杀! give up your arms and live! 他被交到警察手里。 he was delivered into the hand of the police. 他们以实物交税。 they paid their taxes in kind. 袁世凯逼迫皇帝逊位, 把政权交给他。 yuan shikai forced the emperor to abdicate and hand over power to him.2.(到某一时辰或季节) reach (a certain hour or season); set in; come 交冬以后 when winter has set in; 今年交春早。 spring set in early this year.明天就交夏至了。 tomorrow will be the summer solstice.3.(时间、地区相连接) (of places or periods of time) meet; join 春夏之交 when spring is changing into summer; 井冈山位于四县之交。 the jinggang mountains stand where the boundaries of four counties meet.4.(交叉) cross; intersect: ab和cd两线相交于e点。line ab intersects line cd at e. 圆周内两直径必相交。 any two diameters of a circle intersect each other.5.(结交) associate with 交朋友 make friends6.(性交) have sexual intercourse7.(交配) mate; breed 杂交 crossbreedⅡ形容词(互相) mutual; reciprocal; each other 交换 exchangeⅢ副词(一齐; 同时) together; simultaneously 风雨交加 wind and rain coming at one and the same time; 内外交困 be beset with difficulties at home and abroadⅣ名词1.(交往;交谊) acquaintance; friendship; relationship 点头之交 nodding [bowing] acquaintance; 多年之交 a friendship of many years; 建交 establish diplomatic relations; 绝交 sever relations; break off relations; 一面之交 a passing [casual] acquaintance2.[书面语] (朋友) friend 故交 old friend; 知交 bosom [intimate] friend3.(交易) business transaction; deal; bargain 成交 strike a bargain; conclude a transaction; clinch a deal4.(跟头) fall 跌了一交 have a fall; 他脚一滑, 摔了一大交。 he slipped and fell heavily
  • "通" 英文翻译 :    通量词(用于动作) 大哭了一通 have a good cry; 发了一通牢骚 utter a grumble; 擂鼓三通 three rolls of the drums; 说了他一通 give him a talking-to
  • "碎 茎 ( 生 产 麻 纤 维 的 过 程 )" 英文翻译 :    breaking
通 过 社 交 活 动 学 习 的 技 巧的英文翻译,通 过 社 交 活 动 学 习 的 技 巧英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译通 过 社 交 活 动 学 习 的 技 巧,通 过 社 交 活 动 学 习 的 技 巧的英文意思,通 過 社 交 活 動 學 習 的 技 巧的英文通 过 社 交 活 动 学 习 的 技 巧 meaning in English通 過 社 交 活 動 學 習 的 技 巧的英文通 过 社 交 活 动 学 习 的 技 巧怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。